Journal of Applied Biosciences (J. Appl. Biosci.) [ISSN 1997 - 5902]

Volume 20: 1166 - 1171. Published August 7, 2009.

Food security and socioeconomic characteristics of cocoa farming households in Nigeria: support through agricultural biotechnology

*Lawal Justina and Anna Muyiwa

Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, PMB 5244, Ibadan, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author e-mail:


Objective: This study examined the socio-economic characteristics, adoption rate and effects of agricultural biotechnology methods on the food security status of cocoa farming households.
Methodology and results: The profile of food security among cocoa farming households in Osun and Ondo States of Nigeria was analyzed in relation to the cocoa production and socioeconomic characteristics. The status of adoption of agricultural biotechnology among the cocoa farming households in the country was examined against the needs of research on cocoa to ensure food security, household welfare and increased productivity to meet market demands. The level of research result adoption was empirically assessed in relation to increased productivity. Only 22% of the cocoa-farming households in the study area are food secure. This is attributed to low adoption (14%) of available technology (results from advanced tissue culture, marker assisted breeding), low level of education, lack of resources (capital), poor basic rural infrastructure, age of the farmer and their large household size. Structural barriers of non-participatory approach to research were also cited as a hindrance to technology adoption.
Conclusion and application of findings: The interface between food security and socioeconomic development requires policy intervention to be focused on participatory research in agricultural biotechnology for cocoa production to alleviate poverty among the cocoa-producing households. Access to production credit based on social collateral, and provision of research funds to accommodate participatory approaches is recommended.

Key words: cocoa, biotechnology, food security, adoption, participatory research


Journal of Applied BioSciences

ISSN 1997 - 5902

The Journal of Applied BioSciences