Authors Instructions JABS

Journal of Applied Biosciences (JABs, J. Appl. Biosci.)

ISSN 1997 – 5902   DOI: 10.35759/JABs

Authors should strictly adhere to these instructions to avoid delays in review process.

  • An Author agreement form (Download Here!!) should be completed for each manuscript submitted.
  • Contributions should be prepared on A4 (210 x 297 mm), using Arial Narrow Font Size12. Lines should be double spaced throughout the manuscript.
  • Authors are encouraged to include graphic images (photographs, scans or drawings) that enhance the reader’s understanding and appreciation of the publication. There is no limit on the number of images that can be published. However, authors submitting images should be conscious of space requirements. To accomodate more photos, authors should compress high quality images to 96 dpi (for screen presentation).The entire manuscript including images and all attachments should not exceed 2.4 MB or 15 pages.
  • All data presented should be carefully analyzed (indicate methods and software used) and presented using a suitable combination of tables and graphs.
  • All lines should be numbered throughout the manuscript.
  • Your manuscript should be divided into the following sections:
    • Title (brief and reflecting content of manuscript);
    • Authors names, Institutions, and addresses. Include email address of corresponding author.
    • Abstract. Dividethe abstract further into sections with the following headings.
      • Objectives: (in less than 50 words).
      • Methodology and Results: (in less than 100 words).
      • Conclusions and application of findings : in about 150 words. This is a very important section for publications submitted to JABs. Authors should pay particular attention.

Main body of the manuscript should have the following sections:

    • Introduction: should concisely present an overview of previous, latest available knowledge on the subject (preferably literature published in the last 5 years).  Define the problem being addressed and present current status. End this section with the objectives of the activities carried out (for a research paper), or objectives of the manuscript (if it is a review or presentation of hypothetical concepts addressing a Bioscience issue).
    • Materials and methods: Clearly describe methodologies employed to carry out the work, in a way to enable others understand and be able to reproduce them. If a new method has been used it should be described in entirety. If a method has been previously used and published, it will suffice to refer to the publication, other than where modifications have been made.
    • Results and Discussion:The results and discussion should preferably be written separately but may be combined. Discussion of the results (or hypothetical outcomes) should be put in context of other recent findings on the same topic. The Journal of Applied BioSciences puts great emphasis on actual or potential applications of the studies being carried out. Authors are therefore encouraged to pay attention to this point of identifying the  impact that has been achieved or can be expected from the outputs of the activities carried out.
    • Acknowledgements: should appear after discussion and before references.
    •  References: these should include only the most relevant and latest literature available on the subject. It should preferably include materials published formally in journals or edited books. However, other materials that are valuable but informally published on the internet (where they are easily accessible) can be cited, with correct posting date and web address provided). Citations within the manuscript text should only indicate author surname followed by year of publication, e.g. (Jones, 2005). If two authors, indicate both, e.g. (Jones & James, 2005) and indicate et al if more than two authors, e.g. (Jones et al., 2005). Citations in the text should observe chronology (year of publication) in the first order) then Alphabetical oreder of authors in the second order., e.g. John 2002; James, 2005). if published in the same year cite as James 2002, John 2002).
    • Citation format for journal article: (On the references list, the citations should be formatted to have a hanging line indent. E.g.

For one author:

Jones KM, 2005. Production of Vitamin A enriched juice from African mango (Mangifera indica L.) and rice. Journal of Applied BioSciences 10: 291-304.

If two authors, use ‘and’ between the authors names.

John J. and James K, 2008. rats and Mice. Journal of Biosciences 40: 2090 – 2098.

If more than two authors, the authors names are separated only by commas without ‘and’ between the names., e.g.

Jones KM, James KJ, Job NB, 2008.

Citation format for edited book

Jones KM, Sigh EA, Brooke B, 2005. Tissue reconstruction approaches. Mann UT (Editor), 2nd Edition, Elewa Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. 300 pp.

Citation format for web publications

Jones KM, Sigh EA, Brooke B, 2005. Tissue reconstruction approaches. Technical presentation, ‘Biological tissues working group seminar’, held Jan 10- 17, 2005, Ocean City.

  • Authors from Francophone countries may submit manuscripts in French but must include an English translation of the Title and the Abstract.
  • Your submission will be acknowledged in an email within three days at most, with a tracking number allocated. We will endeavour to complete the review process in a maximum of 12 weeks and if accepted, the manuscript will be published in the next month’s edition of the journal.
  • All articles published in the Journal of Applied BioSciences will be available in full length, freely and openly (to everyone with a web browser) anywhere in the world.
  • Please submit your manuscripts as attachment to an email addressed to or  with subject line reading Biosciences Publication.
  • Please add the above email addresses to your email account Address book to avoid our messages going to SPAM (especially if you have a yahoo account).

© Elewa BioSciences/ JABs 2008 – 2024

 Creative Commons License JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOSCIENCES ISSN 1997 – 5902

 Journal of Applied Biosciences (JABs) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Based on  work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at