J. Anim. Plant Sci. Volume 48 (Issue 3): June 2021

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences ( J. Anim. Plant Sci. ) ISSN 2071 – 7024 Volume 48 (Issue 3): June 2021   Bilolwa BP Ntemunyi .C N, Mwangomb KD, KC Kamwanya, Mukunto K. I, Chinawej D MM, KM Tshishi, Kampemba F. M . Phenotypic characterization of local guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) populations reared in […]

JABS Volume 162 June, 2021

Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) ( J. Appl. Biosci.) Volume 162, June 2021 Joachim Emeka Arikibe, Roselyn Lata, David Rohindra. Bacterial Cellulose/Chitosan Hydrogels Synthesized In situ for Biomedical Application.[Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] https://doi.org/10.35759/JABs.162.1   N’zi Kouadio Patrick, Adingra Kouassi Martial-Didier, N’guessan Kouadio Florent, Attchelouwa Kouadio Constant , Tano Kablan Effect of […]

J. Anim. Plant Sci. Volume 48 (Issue 2): May 2021

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (J. Anim. Plant Sci.) ISSN 2071 – 7024 Volume 48 (Issue 2): May 2021   Kouassi Guy BROU, Moroh Jean Luc ABOYA, Boni N’ZUE, Sékou DIABATÉ, Goli Pierre ZOUHOURI, Janat Ackanovna MAMYRBEKOVA-BEKRO, Koffi II Nazaire KOUASSI, Denezon Odette DOGBO and Yves-Alain BEKRO.  Effect of glyphosate on antibiosis in the […]

JABS Volume 161 May, 2021

Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) ( J. Appl. Biosci.)   Volume 161, May 2021   OGNIKA Alexis Jonas, EBENGO GNANGA Annick Raïssa, ANGANDZA Gaël, AKOUANGO Parisse. Productivité des truies de race locale à Brazzaville et sa périphérie en République du Congo.   [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] https://doi.org/10.35759/JABs.161.2   Atchouké G D […]

J. Anim. Plant Sci. Volume 48 (Issue 1): April 2021

Volume 48 (Issue 1): April 2021 DIOP Ibou, NDOYE Fatou, DIÉDHIOU Abdala G, KRASOVA-WADE Tatiana, DO REGO Francis A, NOBA Kandioura, AMBROSI Jean Paul , KANE Aboubacry. Diversity and spore density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) cultivated in different soils in Senegal. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]  https://doi.org/10.35759/JAnmPlSci.v48-1.1   […]

JABS Volume 160 April, 2021

Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) ( J. Appl. Biosci.)   Volume 160, April 2021 NACAMBO Haoua, NANEMA Kiswensida Romaric, KIEBRE Mariam, TRAORE Re-nan Ernest, SAWADOGO Nerbewendé, OUEDRAOGO Mahamadi Hamed, TIAMA Djakaridia, BOUGMA Lardia Ali, SOMBIE Pierre Alexandre Eric Djifaby, SAWA-DOGO Boureima, BATIONO/KANDO Pauline, SAWADOGO Mahamadou. Nomenclature locale et usages de Senna obtusifolia […]

J. Anim. Plant Sci. Volume 47 (Issue 3): March 2021

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (J. Anim. Plant Sci.) ISSN 2071 – 7024 Volume 47 (Issue 3): March 2021 Kouadio Y. D. M, Kouassi K. H., Bahan F. M, Keli Z. J. Impact de l’association Hevea-Cafeier  sur la production des deux spéculations. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]  https://doi.org/10.35759/JAnmPlSci.v47-3.1   SORO Dramane, DRO Bernadin, SEGUENA Fofana, […]

JABS Volume 159 March, 2021

Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) ( J. Appl. Biosci.)   Volume 159, March 2021 Eunice E. Y Henry, Eliane Kinsou, Armel C. G. Mensah, Françoise Assogba Komlan et Christophe Bernard Gandonou. Réponse des plantes de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivées sous stress salin à une application exogène de calcium et de potassium.[Read […]

J. Anim. Plant Sci. Volume 47 (Issue 2): February 2021

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (J. Anim. Plant Sci.) ISSN 2071 – 7024 Volume 47 (Issue 2): February 2021 Athanase Kraidy Otchoumou, Franck Konan Yao, Marie Flavienne Raîssa légbé Wognin, Sebastien Niamké. Effect of dietary restriction on the growth and survival of young rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]  https://doi.org/10.35759/JAnmPlSci.v47-2.1 […]

JABS Volume 158 February, 2021

Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) ( J. Appl. Biosci.)   Volume 158, February 2021 Bétémondji Désiré Diatta, Ousmane Niass, Massamba Diouf, Mathieu Guèye, Emeline Houel, Gilles Boetsch. Diversité et composition phytochimique des bâtonnets frotte-dents (cure-dents) proposés chez les Peul de la commune de Tessékéré (Ferlo Nord, Sénégal).[Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] https://doi.org/10.35759/JABs.158.1 […]