JABS Volume 87, March 2015

  Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) Volume 87,  March 2015   PLANT SCIENCE Ousmane SY,  Amadou FOFANA,   Ndiaga CISSE,  Kandioura NOBA,  Diaga DIOUF,  Ibrahima NDOYE ,  Djibril SANE ,  Aboubacry KANE,  Ndjido Ardo KANE,  Tom HASH,  Bettina HAUSSMAN et Eva ELWEGAN. Étude de la variabilité agromorphologique de la collection nationale de mils locaux […]

JABS Volume 86, February 2015

  Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) Volume 86,  February 2015   PLANT SCIENCE T.W. KOURA, G.D. DAGBENONBAKIN, V. M. KINDOMIHOU, B. A. SINSIN. Effect of composting of palm oil mill wastes and cow dung or poultry manure on Amaranthus hybridus growth and yield. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]    http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v86i1.1   Garané Ali […]

JABS Volume 85, January 2015

  Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) Volume 85,  January 2015   PLANT SCIENCE  ONDOUA Joseph Marie, DIBONG Siegfried Didier , TAFFOUO Victor Désiré , NGOTTA BIYON Jacques Bruno . Parasitisme des champs semenciers de cacaoyers par les loranthaceae dans la localité de nkoemvone (sud Cameroun). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]  http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v85i1.1   BIOSCIENCE  Baoua […]

JABS Volume 84,December 2014

  Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) Volume 84,  December 2014    PLANT SCIENCE   Joelle Toffa Mehinto, Pierre Atachi, Maurille Elégbédé, Ouorou Kobi Douro Kpindou and Manuele Tamò. Efficacité comparée des insecticides de natures différentes dans la gestion des insectes ravageurs du niébé au Centre du Bénin. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]   http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v84i1.1 […]

JABS Volume 83,November 2014

  Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902)         Volume 83,  November 2014    PLANT SCIENCE   Ousmane Ndiaye, Amadou Tamsir Diop , Léonard Elie Akpo , Mamadou Diène . Dynamique de la teneur en carbone et en azote des sols dans les systèmes d’exploitation du Ferlo : cas du CRZ de Dahra. […]

JABS Volume 82,October 2014

  Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902)         Volume 82,  October 2014    PLANT SCIENCE  Variabilité physico-morphologique des racines tubéreuses de manioc (Manihot esculenta CRANTZ) cultivées sur ferralsol en zone de forêt d’Afrique de l’Ouest. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]    http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v82i1.1   ABDOU Maman Manssour, ALZOUMA MAYAKI Zoubeirou, DAN LAMSO […]

JABS Volume 81, September 2014

         Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902)         Volume 81 September 2014   PLANT SCIENCE Theodosy J. Msogoya and Juliana Mwakisitu Effect of thidiazuron on in vivo shoot proliferation of popular banana (Musa spp. L) cultivars in Tanzania.  [Read Abstract] [ Download Full Paper-PDF] http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v81i1.1 Tsopmbeng Noumbo Gaston, Megatche christien Jean Pitagor, Lienou Jules Appolinaire, Yaouba Aoudou , Djeugap […]

JABS Volume 80, August 2014

Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) Volume 80 August 2014  PLANT SCIENCE Abeya Temesgen, Kassa Mammo and Dagnachew Lule . Genotype by Environment Interaction (G x E) and Grain Yield Stability Analysis of Ethiopian Linseed and Niger Seed Varieties.[Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v80i1.1 Sékou Doumbia, Louis Koko et Sylvestre. A. Aman. L’Introduction […]

JABS Volume 79, July 2014

Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) Volume 79, July 2014 SHORT COMMUNICATION Appolinaire Adandonon; Binjamin Datinon, Hugues Baimey and Joelle Toffa. First report of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maubl causing root rot and collar rot disease of Jatropha curcas L. in Benin. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v79i1.2  REVIEW PAPER ADJALIAN Elvis, […]

JABS Volume 78, June 2014

  Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902) Volume 78,  June 2014 PLANT SCIENCE Theodosy J. Msogoya, Ramadhani O. Majubwa and A.P. Maerere.Effects of harvesting stages on yield and nutritional quality of African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.) fruits.[Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v78i1.1 Oboo H.,Muia AW and Kinyua ZM. Effect of selected essential oil plants […]