JABS Volume 136 April, 2019

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Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 – 5902)

Volume 136, April 2019


Modeste Kouadio Konan, Antoine Allah Assamoi, Karou Tago Germain. Diversity of yeast strains isolated from the ‘’magnan’’ a traditional ferment used for the production of “attiéké” a cassava food in Côte d’Ivoire.  [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDFhttps://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v136i1.2



KOUAKOU Kouassi Joseph, YAO Koffi Bertin, Sika Ahoua Edmond, GOGBEU Seu Jonathan, KONÉ Loua Serge Patrick, DOGBO Dénezon Odette. Effets de deux types de déjections animales sur la croissance en longueur de deux variétés de concombre (Cucumis sativus). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDFhttps://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v136i1.3


Gebeyehu Chala, Bulti Tesso, Dagnachew Lule and Kebede Dessalegn. Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interactions (AMMI) and Regression Analysis in Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L). Moench] Varieties.   [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDFhttps://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v136i1.4



ZEROME Moussa, TRAORE Kalifa, FAMANTA Mahamoudou, SAMAKE Oumar, TOGO Moise Anewin. Effets du trempage des semences sur le rendement du sorgho dans les conditions du Sahel à Kolokani et Diéma au Mali. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v136i1.5



Esquivel German, Tobar Mauricio, Salas Eduardo, Araya Mario. Chemical control of Meloidogyne spp. in grapevines (Vitis vinifera). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]   https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v136i1.6



Rukundo Placide, Ndacyayisenga Theophile, Ntizo Senkesha, Kirimi Sindi, and Nshimiyima Jean Claude. Yield and yield components of CIP advanced potato clones under Rwandan agro-ecologies [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v136i1.7


Esther Adhiambo Abonyo, George Otieno Ongámo, Gideon Nyamasyo, Catherine Lukhoba, Gerphas Ogola, Zoul Midingoyi, Hippolyte Affognon, Bruno Le Ru. Do parasitoids reduce cereal losses? Estimating the impact of parasitoids on stem borer pest infestation and maize yield.  [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF] https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v136i1.8



Evaluation des pertes causées par Rastrococcus invadens (Willams, 1986) (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) sur la mangue au Sénégal (Casamance).  [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]  https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v136i1.1

Posted in Journal of Applied Biosciences (JABs) Publications.