J. Anim. Plant Sci. Volume 39 (Issue 3): March 2019

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is JAPS-cover-page-s.pngJournal of Animal and Plant Sciences (J. Anim. Plant Sci.)
ISSN 2071 – 7024

Volume 39 (Issue 3): March 2019

Fanu Woldemichael Mengsite, Melkamu Bezabih Yitbarek, Emana Getachew. Productivity and Egg Quality Traits of Sasso T44 Chicken in North Showa Zone, Ethiopia. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]


Acapovi-Yao Genevieve, Cissé Bakary, Jacques François Mavoungou, Sevidzem Silas Lendzele, Nguertoum Etienne Abdallah. Preliminary study on vectors of bovine trypanosomosis in the central African republic one decade after the socio-military crisis.  [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]


Adeoye, A.A., and Oladepo, A.D. Prediction of live body weight in exotic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) using linear body measurements in South-West Nigeria. [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper-PDF]






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