Journal of Applied Biosciences (JABs, J. Appl. Biosci.)

ISSN 1997 – 5902

DOI: 10.35759/JABs


About Journal 

The Journal of Applied Biosciences  (JABs, J. Appl. Biosci.) is published by Elewa Biosciences Journals .

  • It is a forum for scholars and researchers in spheres of biological sciences/biosciences to publish their original research findings and ideas of a scientific nature.
  • The journal emphasizes the applicability and Practicality of the scientific research findings.

Mission statement

  • To promote publication of scientific articles of with applicable and significant advances in Biological sciences / Biosciences.
  • Encourages publication and visibility of scientific research findings from researchers/ scientists from developing countries.

Aim and Scope

Articles in Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Plant Sciences, Enviromental Sciences, Forestry, Microbiology, Biotechnology.

  • Articles that advance our knowledge and application of biotechnology and especially in the developing countries.
  • Articles that increase our knowledge and understanding of beneficial or parasitic interactions between living organisms e.g. between microbes / plants; microbes/animals; microbes/human beings, or insect populations, parasitic plants and weeds.
  • Articles that enhance our understanding and capacity to address environmental challenges, e.g. water, air and soil pollution, desertification, climate change, biological energy production processes (bio-fuels, biogas, energy farming).
  • Articles that enhance our capacity to harness and increase value of biodiversity products, e.g. production and processing of drugs or dyes and other industrial, medicinal or therapeutic products from herbal plants, cultivable insects or worms and microorganisms.
  • Advances in human and veterinary nutrition , especially technologies for preventing or pre-empting disease pandemics.
  • Articles on food processing and value addition technologies, or engineering developments (equipment development) that enhance prospects of commercializing agricultural enterprises (crops and livestock) in developing countries.
  • Articles on current and potentially controversial scientific issues, e.g. genetically modified organisms and their contribution or detriment to nutrition and health.


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The manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Applied Biosciences will be peer reviewed. This journal uses double-blind review, where both the reviewer and author identities will be  concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.


The Journal of Applied Biosciences (JABs) reserves copyright of the material published. When the manuscript is accepted for publication , the authors agree to transfer copyright to the publisher. The Editor must grant permission for use of any published material.
It is unethical to submit an article for publication in different journals, either for simultaneous review or otherwise. Elewa Biosciences will not consider any manuscripts that are being reviewed by other publishers or have been previously published elsewhere.


Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.


Plagiarism is defined as a paper reproducing  another authors  work with at least high similarity and without citation. JABs accepts plagiarism of below 20%. If there is sufficient proof of plagiarism  before acceptance  of the paper, the article is rejected immediately and the author is notified. If  there is sufficient proof of plagiarism  after acceptance  of the manuscript  the author will bear any  legal consequences. The manuscript will be retracted and the author stopped from publishing papers in JABs.  Some of the tools used to check for plagiarism  among others are


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The Journal of Applied Biosciences (JABs) uses CrossRef  DOIs on published articles to provide persistent links for scholarly citation.


© Elewa BioSciences/ JABs 2008 – 2025

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