Mube’s Abstract JABS Vol. 74

Journal of Applied Biosciences (J. Appl. Biosci.) [ISSN 1997 – 5902]

Volume 74: 6157 – 6163 Published February 28, 2014.

Laying performances and egg quality of local barred hens under improved conditions in Cameroon

*Mube H K *, Kana J R, Tadondjou C D, Yemdjie D D M, Manjeli Y and Teguia A

University of Dschang, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Productions. PO Box: 222, Dschang, Cameroon;
Email :

Original submitted in on 3rd December  2014 Published online at on 28th February 2014.

Objectives: This study was designated to evaluate the laying performances and egg traits in local barred hens. Sixteen (16) hens and 4 cocks were used, divided into 4 experimental units of 4 hens and 1 cock per unit.
Methodology and Results: The following parameters were studied: feed intake (g/bird/day), egg production (%/hen-day), egg weight (g), egg mass (g/hen/day), feed conversion ratio (g feed/g egg) and egg cost (Fcfa). A total of 730 eggs were used to evaluate external egg traits including egg weight, egg length, egg width, egg index and 320 eggs to evaluate internal egg traits including relative yolk weight (%), yolk height, yolk diameter, relative shell weight (%), shell thickness, albumen height, relative albumen weight (%) and haugh unit. Mean values for laying performances were: age at first egg (22.5 weeks), hen live weight at first egg (1298g), hen age at peak egg production ( 33 weeks), percent egg production at peak (57.9%), feed conversion ratio (5.36), mean egg production (40.4%) and egg cost (48.5 Fcfa). Mean egg traits were: egg weight (43.8g), relative albumen weight (17.3%), albumen height (5.74mm), haugh unit (78.0), relative yolk weight (34.9%), relative shell weight (11.6%) and shell thickness (25.9mm). There was a highly significant (P<0.01) correlation between egg weight, yolk volume and albumen volume. This correlation was weak between egg weight and albumen height (0.060) and egg weight and shell thickness (0.020).
Conclusions and applications of findings: The present study suggests that local barred hens have a good potential for egg production, which may be useful for breed improvement, and development for future generation of local laying hens.
Key words:  egg quality, laying performances, local barred hens.