Grey publications are documents that lack sufficient data or substance to make it into a full peer reviewed paper. These typically consist of technical reports of short projects, unpublished conference papers, internal seminar presentations, working papers, term papers and/or other small bits of literature that are collected in the process of day to day work. Usually these documents are placed in files on shelves and have limited circulation. They are however valuable as they have consumed effort and time to gather and prepare them. Thus they should be published, partly so that other people will know you did that work (however small it might seem) and also as a way of protecting your intellectual ideas, research area, data and other outputs. At Elewa biosciences these grey materials are published directly without review and at very little cost to the person submitting them.
Grey materials are to be published independently as stand alone documents. They will be reviewed internally for quality and authors maybe asked to revise to improve before publication but process is less rigorous.
Minimum page length is 15 pages -maximum 150 pages, above that it should be developed into the format of an e-book.
Charges are 95 USD for documents of less than 30 pages (A4 format),
150 USD for 31 - 60 pages
200 USD for above 61 pages (max 150 pages).
Documents longer than 50 pages can be assigned ISBN numbers at an additional cost of 50 USD, or be published without. Pages are counted to inlcude images, graphs and tables.
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