Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (JAPS)

J. Anim. Plant Sci. [ISSN 2071 - 7024]

Volume 9 (Issue 1): 29 November 2010


Gemenet D.C., Wachira F.N., Pathak  R.S. and Munyiri  S.W. Identification of molecular markers linked to drought tolerance using bulked segregant analysis in Kenyan maize (Zea mays L.) landraces. (Pages 1122 – 1134). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Kouadio K.K.H, Dao D, Tschannen A, Girardin O. Rentabilité comparative des systèmes de culture à base de manioc à l’Est de la Côte d’Ivoire.(Pages 1094 – 1103). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Shamsi K, Petrosyan M, Noor - mohammadi G and Haghparast R . Evaluation of grain yield and its components in three bread wheat cultivars under drought stress (pages 1117 – 1121). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Thiombiano D.N.E, Dibong S.D, Lamien N, Boussim I.J. Etat des peuplements des espèces ligneuses de soudure des communes rurales de Pobé-Mangao et de Nobéré (Burkina Faso). (Pages 1104 – 1116). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Olaniyi J.O, W.B. Akanbi, O.A. Olaniran and O.T. Ilupeju. The effect of organo-mineral and inorganic fertilizers on the growth, fruit yield, quality and chemical compositions of okra. (Pages 1104 – 1116). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]


Adenkola, A. Y., Kaankuka, F. G., Ikyume, T. T., Ichaver, I. F and Yaakugh, I. D. I. Ascorbic acid effect on erythrocyte osmotic fragility, haematological parameters and performance of weaned rabbits at the end of rainy season in Makurdi, Nigeria (Pages 1077 – 1085). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Christophe NGOKAKA, BOUKOULOU Henri Fulbert  AKOUANGO , Pierre MBETE , Vidrige-Hulriche KANDZA & Joseph VOUIDIBIO. Fréquentation de la saline d’Ebobobo par les Gorilles : un atout pour la promotion du tourisme de vision en République du Congo. (Pages 1086 – 1093). [Read Abstract] [Download Full paper-PDF]

Cover page images: (L)Tomato fruit damage due to bollworm  (R)Leaf minor infestation. Credited to Maerere A.P et al . Sokoine University of Agriculture,Tanzania

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ISSN 2071 - 7024

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences

The Journal of Applied BioSciences