Background info
The past few years have seen unprecented growth in global population levels. The growth in population, associated expansion of economies of many nations as they move to industrial levels, coupled with advances in science and technology has continued to fuel dramatic increases in global demand for water and energy resources. The intensified demand has led to increased competition for resources, in some instances leaidng to instabiltiy and civil conflict between communities and nations. Use of fossil fuels has also contributed to adverse changes in climate across the globe. Recent advances in tecnology seem to promise a hope of developing inventions that will bering in efficiency in utilisation of the available, through scarce resources, and even definition of newer forms of energy. It is however clear that technology alone will not sufficiently address the gap between current and future demand and supply levels of water and energy resources. Changes in livelihoods are needed to supplement whatever benefit can be gained through developement of new technologies.

This page will provide links to information resources that will help mankind to understand better the issues related to exploitation and conservation of water and energy resources in Africa and other developing countries. Any relevant material is welcome for publication.

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